An apology to those who came out Monday night to view The Moving Wall
The editors of TheWalkOfHeroes.Org would like to issue a formal apology to all those who came out on May 11th and May 12th to see The Moving Wall. A scheduling conflict with the staff of The Moving Wall caused them to break down the wall and move it to Fort Jackson Monday afternoon. Even this editor showed up late Monday afternoon and found it, and the “Through The Eyes Combat Photography” display packed up and gone. I experienced the same disappointment that so many of you experienced.
Please understand while we understand your frustration, you support of the Walk of Heroes will allow us to continue building a memorial that will honor veterans of all wars, and give us control over things like this so you will not be disappointed in the future.
We really hope that since there was some sort of conflict and many came last night only to find The Moving Wall had already left, and many will go today and their hearts will be broken with disappointment and anguish, The Moving Wall organization should bring it back to Black Shoals Park in Conyers at another date this Summer or Fall. We were heartbroken when we arrived last night at 7:30 to find that The Moving Wall was already gone. Truly disappointed and disheartened.
We took my 92 year old father, a WW2 veteran, to see the Moving Wall on the morning of Tuesday, May 12. It was scheduled to be open until noon that day. He, and we, and other people we saw there that morning had been excited about seeing it. Imagine our surprise, shock, and disappointment, though, when we arrived and found that it had already been disassembled and moved. Evidently whoever was in charge decided that it was going to be a slow day, so packed it up late the previous day and moved on to the next site.
I see from your website apology that you, as the sponsor of this exhibit, were also surprised by the early move. While nothing can be done here now, I encourage the Walk of Heroes organization to contact other upcoming sites to alert them to this, to help avoid any future disappointment as this important exhibit travels across the country. The Moving Wall and those who want to see it need to be treated with the respect deserved.